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Portland Observer

Michael Medina Atmosferico March 30, 1981- August 3, 2024

We are saddened to inform you that Michael Medina Atmosferico one of Oregon finest barbers has passed away on August 3, 2024. Mike was a phenomenal man with integrity who would always greet everyone with a warm welcoming smile, and kind words.

Mike has worked 15+ years at Platinum fade salon under the tutelage of the late Sherman Jackson. Not only was Mike a master at barbering but he lived his life to the fullest.

Enjoying music, riding his motorcycle, ATV's, beach trips just to name

a few, but his most enjoyable moments were praying and spending time with his family.

He leaves to cherish his memories, his beautiful wife, six children, his mother and father and a host of family and friends. "lnna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un," translate to "To Allah we belong and truly to him we shall return."


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