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Early Adventures in Golf


Updated: Sep 7, 2023

EAGLE program offers employment, scholarships

Students participating in Portland Parks and Recreation’s EAGLE caddies program last year at the Rose City Golf Course in northeast Portland included (from left) Ava Arias, Lilly Varner, Kennedy Phillips and Daysi Narruhn. Sign-ups for new enrollees for 2021 are now underway.

Portland Parks & Recreation is currently recruiting high school freshmen interested in the game of golf to enroll as EAGLE caddies, a program that offers opportunities for summer employment at area golf courses and a pathway to higher education for youth from lower income families.

The Early Adventures in Golf for a Lifetime of Enjoyment program is a cooperative venture between the city, the Western Golf Association’s Evans Scholars Foundation, and Portland public and private high schools. A limited number of positions are available, and students who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), female/non-binary, immigrants or refugees, and youth from families earning lower incomes are encouraged to apply.

“The EAGLE caddie program offers valuable work experience and a pathway to higher education for young lower-income Portlanders,” says Portland Parks Commissioner Carmen Rubio. “I applaud Portland Parks & Recreation for facilitating this fabulous program and encourage all eligible high school freshmen to apply.”

Since 1989, more than 70 students have received full tuition and housing for college via the

Evans Scholarship, a value that is more than $100,000 over four years.

Officials said students do not need experience in the game of golf to apply as an EAGLE caddie. Participating students are paid an hourly wage as golf caddies on Portland Parks Golf courses during summer and receive work credit hours with mentors who monitor students’ progress and help guide their success.

“The EAGLE program is a wonderful way for young people from diverse backgrounds to gain professional experience, learn about golf, and to see firsthand the other wonderful opportunities available with Portland Parks & Recreation,” says PP&R Director Adena Long.

“Dozens of students have had great success during and after being EAGLEs. The program is a great way to advance equity, promote higher education, and expand the game of golf to the next generation of players.”

The deadline for EAGLE applications is May 7. For complete details on the program, visit or contact PP&R’s Carolyn Lee at or 971-930-6762.


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