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Soles 4 Souls

Turning Shoes into Opportunity

Picture courtesy of Soles 4 Souls Website

Madi Bigej is planning to change the world this fall, one step – or one shoe – at a time. Bigej, a junior at Canby High School, has taken on the Soles4Souls Young Leaders challenge to advance the non-profit’s mission to turn donated shoes and clothing into educational and economic opportunities around the world.

From October 2 to November 10, a cohort of nominated Young Leaders across the United States will each plan and implement an individual fundraising campaign and complete a meaningful service project to benefit Soles4Souls. In addition to learning valuable leadership and communication skills, Young Leaders will also have the opportunity to network with Soles4Souls leadership and gain a greater understanding of Soles4Souls' programs and impact. “I said yes to becoming a part of Young Leaders because I have seen the impact first-hand of what these drives and projects can do,” Bigej said. “I wanted to help people out and have a part in making others’ lives easier.”

A varsity soccer team member, varsity softball team captain and high school state equestrian team regional champion, Bigej will bring considerable talent and energy to bear on the challenge. She is a member of Younglife, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Key Club. She is also a Future Business Leaders of America business presentation regional champion, and a high school leader of softball and soccer youth camps. After high school, Bigej is considering studying biology, human anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology to possibly pursue a career as a physician assistant or physical therapist.

For more information on Soles4Souls and ways to get involved, go to


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